Install xDrip
This video installation process is a little old now and the video really needs to be updated, which I will do as soon as I get time to.
But for now, it’s still a good help for you to set up with xdrip+ onto your mobile. Just turn off the music if it’s not to your tastes :-)
You do not need to have Nightscout installed for xdrip+ to work as mentioned in the video!
You can get your reading from your CGM direct from within xdrip+.
Install Xdrip+⌁
After you have installed Your Apk and xdrip+ its time to install a few other options within xdrip.
Authorize background activity
xDrip+ must have the right to be used in the background, and it must be white-listed for battery optimization.
This is necessary for the correct functioning of xdrip+.
It should ask you to allow these authorizations. If it doesn't or you need to look this up later, check it in your phone settings Settings - Apps - xDrip+. Consult your mobile documents as they will vary on Android software version and manufacturers.
For me on a Samsung I swiped down and click on the gear icon to get to my settings.
Making sure xDrip+ will not be put in to sleep mode and enabled permissions
Make sure these settings are checked, but still make sure they are exactly like shown below.
Every time your Mobile updates or you re-install, check again: disable and enable checkboxes that should be enabled to enforce the settings.
Go to
/ Settings / Less Common Settings / Other misc options
And make sure these are selected!
Enable location & other XDRIP+ Permissions
From Android versions (6 Marshmallow (and above), location is required to allow Bluetooth Low Energy connection.
If you will be using xDrip+ with a Bluetooth sensor or bridge you must enable location and allow xDrip+ to access it. See your mobiles instructions as it will depend on Android version and manufacturer in my case I’m using a Samsung Note10+
See My video on all the permissions I have allowed Xdrip+ too have on my mobile.