Dexcom xDrip Recommended Settings
xDrip+ Advised Settings - G6, Dexcom One or One+ - G7
* These are the suggested G6, G7, Dexcom ONE Dexcom One+ settings when using xDrip+ * After a fresh install of xDrip, running the source wizard will result in these same settings. If you see a difference, please let me know.
- You should use an xDrip+ version not older than the present stable release. Please update accordingly.
Settings −> G5/G6/Dex1 Debug Settings Enable all suggested settings (settings in the image with checkmarks) even if you see “G5” in the description.
Xdrip Debug Settings: -
Go to:
- Settings −> Less common settings −> Other misc options
- Go to:
Settings −> Less common settings −> Bluetooth Settings
Bluetooth Settings: -
Go to and:
Enable - Settings −> Less common settings −> Aggressive service restarts
Aggressive service restarts: -
Go to and:
Disable - Settings −> Less common settings −> Advanced Calibration −> Automatic Calibration
Automatic Calibration:
Use Android Settings to sync its time with the network as described. Phone Time Accuracy Synchronise your phone clock to the network (Android Settings −> General Management −> Date & Time).
- Disable battery optimization as explained here. If you use xDrip as your collector, the app that receives readings from the sensor, you need to disable battery optimization for xDrip on your phone settings. Usually, this is at Android settings −> Apps −> xDrip+ −> Advanced −> Battery.
For Android 11 or newer, enable background location access. To do this go to Android Settings. Look for xDrip. Under “Apps” or “Apps info”, and not under “Accessibility”, Select xDrip. Hit on “Permissions”.
Enable Location: -
Now Restart Your Mobile.