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About Xdrip-Android-APS-Nightscout-readthetips

An Exciting Intro to Xdrip-Android-APS-Nightscout-readmedoc

I started this project in 2019 trying to learn how to do it and make it which as been a task in its self, but so glad I have managed to do it. Has I progress I could see others taking this on board to start doing it them self which again is great has I found it hard to find any tips on setting all of this project up.

I hope these tips narrow it down for you to setup xdrip and start to use what ever other devices you would like to use within xdrip, In my case I found it worked well with Omnipods and Android APS, but can work with a lot more pumps and CGM on the market today 2022

I also like to cycle to help my Diabetes at the same time in trying todo charity ride to help in charities for diabetes care and support.

I do not get anything for helping to do these web pages, I do it soly because I'm a Type one who cares to try to help where I can.

If you would like to help support and sponsor me and like on what I have done on here please visit.