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xdrip± Settings

xdrip± Hardware Data Source

If you don't see this

This is where you will be selecting your Device or Transmitter to work with xdrip.

You will need to go to choose your data source you will be using. To do this you should have a start source setup wizard on your main screen from installation.

If you do not have one do a long press on the xdrip+ image at the top of your main screen.

And turn on your Source Wizard Button.

Or you can go to the Burger icon in top left then /settings/Harware Data Source

You will see a long list of options to chose from. In this example I will be showing on how to add a Dexcom G6 or Dexcom One CGM Transmitter.

Warning! Do not use your mobiles bluetooth connection
Do not use your mobiles auto Bluetooth connection to pair your Transmitter! If it does unpair it, before you begin. xdrip+ will ask you to do it! See Here

Unpair if already connected.

Note!!! Do not use your mobiles bluetooth connection
Sensors and Transmitters can only connect to one Mobile (or tablet) at a time, and only to one app at a time. There are ways around that will allow you to connect to other software packages like Android APS! You should uninstall anything else to connect to xDrip+ so your able to connect to your transmitter and xdrip+ If another mechanism is connected to your sensor or bridge you should turn it off or disable the other app before trying to connect with xDrip+. Better to do it now rather than after your 2 hours warm up!

Different Hardware Data Sources to use

1. Dexcom G6 & Dexcom One

To Be continued!

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